Berisha Bekim

Bekim Berisha

Dr. Bekim Berisha

Postadresseinspire AG
Dr. Bekim Berisha
Technoparkstr. 1
CH-8005 Zürich
Telefon+41 44 556 58 86
BüroPFA G17
FunktionLeitung Materialmechanik und Simulation
GruppeMaterialmechanik und Simulation
SprachkenntnisseDeutsch, Englisch
  • Multiskalige Materialmodellierung und Validierung auf der Grundlage von Experimenten
  • Ganzfeldmessungen zur Materialcharakterisierung
  • Versagensmodellierung für große plastische Verformungen
  • Modellbasierte und datengesteuerte Optimierung von Fertigungsprozessen
  • Data driven optimization of manufacturing processes for printed circuit boards and physics based prediction of microvia reliability (Innosuisse-Project: 105.293)
  • Numerical modelling of bipolar plates for hydrogen cells (Innosuisse-Project: 49158.1)
  • Production and modelling of an innovative generation of high formability and high strength Al-alloys for automotive applications (Innosuisse-Project: 26515.1)
  • Enhancement of the lightweight capability of Al-alloys for complex car body structures by the application of novel functional Fusion Al-sheets (Innosuisse-Project: 13082.1)
  • C. Bonatti, B. Berisha & D. Mohr, From CP-​FFT to CP-​RNN: Recurrent neural network surrogate model of crystal plasticity, International Journal of Plasticity, 2022,  
  • Berisha et al., Modeling of anisotropic hardening and grain size effects based on advanced numerical methods and crystal plasticity, Journal - Archives of Mechanics, 71, 489-​505, 2019, DOI: 10.24423/aom.3150
  • Berisha et al., Multiscale modelling of failure initiation in a ferritic-​pearlitic steel, Acta Materialia, 100, 191-​201, 2015,

Für Details: 

Dozent an der ETH

Aktuelle Vorlesungen:

  • Optimization and Machine Learning 151-0840-00 L
  • Applied Finite Element Analysis 151-0833-00L

Bisherige Vorlesungen (teilweise beteiligt):

  • Material Modeling and Simulation
  • Engineering Materials and Production
  • Engineering Design
  • Engineering Tool: Introduction to MATLAB
  • Engineering Tool: FEM Programs